
Showing posts from February, 2018


Waxa dagaal bahalnimo ah oo warbaahineed ku qaaday Dawalada Jabuuti Safiir Baashe Cawil Xaaji Cumar oo adeegsanaya laba mikirifoon oo dabku ka dhacay Wasiir QabyoTire iyo Gudoomiye Faysal Cali Waraabe his partners in crime  jarimadaa laga galay DANYARTA SOMALILAND ayey u haystaan inay wax ka ogayeen  lakiin  flim-ka ka ahaa figurants ( Figurants dans le film )  ama dadka meesha la yidhaah marmara adigu IGU SAWIR waa doorka u diiday Gudoomiye Cali XoorXoor ee u yidhi wax Dekkad hawsheed iyo cilmigeed  garanaya anaa meesha jooga ma dhici karto inaan noqdo IGU SAWIR wa inaan miiska wada hadalada fadhiistaa taana waxa diiday DP WORLD oo tidhi Gudoomiye Cali XoorXoor waxa laga hadlayo ayuu garanayaa fogeeya ........... labadaa nin ee Mr. QabyoTire iyo Mr. Ina Cali waraabe ( ils sont sauvages ) wada hadal technical ah ooy ka qayb galeen ma jirto in yaroo sheeko ciyaal Banaadir ah khiyaali laba lugood leh oo safiir Baashe Cawil ka dul akhriyey a...

Somali’s Mohamed Abdulahi Farmajo is acting like a grandmaster of chess while Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi stumbles at checkers.

In Somaliland there’s no good news.  , the taxes are hiked on daily bases which makes  Zimbabwean inflation a fact , mentally disable and handicapped individuals are sentenced to almost three years because simply they  are demonstrated peacefully   ,  local government members with immunity from Oodweyne region are illegally detained , practicing lawyer with valid license is court marshaled in military tribunal , uncountable numbers of journalists are jailed without due process each sentenced two years imprisonment  not to mention female poet Naima Abwaan Qorane  detained . As Kulmiye party   continues to savage Somaliland civilians, Somalia shows signs of progress Mr. Mohamed Abdulaahi farmaajo portraits himself as the Uniter while every move from Mr. Muse Bihi shows that he is a divider. It is the worst kept secret that former kulmiye ministers as former finance minister zamzam Abdi Aden and f...

We The People Support The New President ........... Congratulations Mr. President

Same words in the declaration of independence are true today...... We congratulate the new President of Somaliland Mr. Mohamed Ali Sudi from Tea Party Faction. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — Those rights are denied to most Somalilanders by Kulmiye military junta ,  ·           Dilaal iyo malaal wuxuba waa, carabta deynkoode ·   ...


Jariidada Horn Affairs ayaa waxay qortay waqti aan fogeyn : " So far, Bashe, the son-in-law of the bedridden president, appeared in Dubai for multi-million military deals without any military expertise or even not having experience of international business negotiations. The Defense Minister Adami, who is of minority background, is out of the negotiation. Kulmiye party’s successor Muse Bihi considers Mohamed Hashi, the Presidential Affairs Minister, has marginalized his role not to mention Cornel Dhagawayne ." ~ Source : HornAffairs ~  “ Ilaa iminka Mr. Bashe Cawil , inanka uu sodoga u yahay Madaxweynaha Sariirta cuskaday  , ayaa kasoo daahira Dubai isagoo ka qayb qaadanaya heshiisyo Milatari oo lagu kala jarayo lacag Malayiin Dollar ah isagoo wax khibrad ah ama aqoon ah aan u lahayn hawlaha militariga sidoo kalena aan wax khibrad ah ama aqoon ah u lahayn wada xajoodka arrimaha ganacsiga caalamiga ah . Wasiirka Difaaca Macaali Wasiir Cadami  isagu waa beelah...

You can put all the lipstick you want on a pig, but at the end of the day it's still a pig ..... Free Saleban

Maybe in the opinion of many, maybe even in the minds of supporters of the Opposition parties , the corruption issue that was highlighted in the recent election campaign, now that the election has been decided and the way it has been decided, are now obsolete ........pure theft the election ! This is completely wrong. To accept such reasoning would mean that the issue of corruption was just an election gimmick, a trick to get people to vote for one of God fathers of corruption in Somaliland colonel Muse Bihi Abdi and his corrupted kulmiye party. On the contrary, the corruption issue is still all there and must be faced. If the issue is now obsolete in the minds of many Somalilanders , it is not obsolete in the minds of people outside Somaliland  and certainly not obsolete in the minds of international community and donor countries who are paying their tax payer's money . The tax payer's money is donated to the poor people in Somaliland but it goes straight into ban...

The United States has demanded for the release of Poet Naema Ahmed Ibrahim & author Mohamud.... Free Naema

Photo: Facebook The United States has demanded for the release of author Mohamed Kasey Mohamud and Poet Naema Ahmed Ibrahim detained recently by Somaliland authorities. In a tweet the US Mission in Somalia asked Somaliland to respect freedom of expression  US condemns the detention of Naema Ahmed Ibrahim and Mohamed Kasey Mohamud in  # Somaliland”   the US to Somalia tweeted.   “We call on all officials to safeguard the inalienable right of  # FreedomOfExpression Last week Somaliland authorities arrested author Mohamud of a book praising Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo leadership coming exactly a week after the arrest of Naima Ahmed Ibrahim  a female poet known for her Somali unity sentiments. Poet Naema Ahmed Ibrahim was arrested without charge on 27 January 2018 by National Intelligence Agency authorities at Egal International Airport in Hargeisa where she was scheduled to fly back to Mogadishu, according to Free...

" Somaliland Investment Company Limited " Want To Short Sell The Aid Money ?!

The wealthy  Somaliland Kulmiye  elite maybe evade taxes and launder money through new company " Somaliland Investment Company Limited " this smells and sounds like a " shell company ".  One of the most important tools to evade taxes and launder money is a "shell company" - this is a company that exists only on paper and has no office and no employees. It's usually registered to the address of a company that provides a service setting up shell companies in a tax haven .​ For example, that's why  five-storey building in the Cayman Islands supposedly houses more than 12,000 corporations. Ambassador Bashe Awil Omar said in his last television interview that  " Somaliland Investment Company Limited "   is established in an English-speaking jurisdiction that has British law  which  makes clear that this " shell company " existed long time in one of tax haven British islands  but now  will start trading in Dubai financia...


Somaliland development fund ( DFS ) and USAID donors  inveigh against corruption, yet give more aid to corrupted Kulmiye government in Somaliland . Debate continues on the causes of Somaliland  corruption, but with little consideration of the possibility that the behaviour of donors may unintentionally promote corruption . The corruption in Somaliland grew rapidly in the last eight years of Kulmiye party regimes . We  argue that the donor community is prepared to tolerate quite blatant corruption if the Kulmiye party rapidly puts into place ‘ Disputed election ’ as policy changes.  Somalilanders are divided , but the group which challenged high level corruption also criticised Somaliland development fund ( DFS ) and USAID donors adjustment policies; donors opted for the corrupt faction that told the donors what they wanted. Donors try to avoid the issue by concentrating on institutional reform, which the corrupt faction has so far been able to bypass. The issue is...


The President of United Somaliland Front ( USF in Exile ) President Marten I Mohamed as We The People don't believe this war is a war of necessity we believe it is a war of choice therefore those involved should stop immediately and without preconditions .....​ According the  article in  the Indian Ocean Newsletter, exchanges of fire between the Somaliland and Puntland armies are continuing to cost lives in the border region of Tukarak. Addis Ababa is seeking to ease tensions and kick-start dialogue again between the two regional entities. The Ethiopian Prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn invited the Puntland's, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, to come and meet him on 30 January, the day after the 30th Summit of the African Union drew to a close in Addis Ababa. He is hoping to placate Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas and persuade him that Ethiopia is not biased towards Somaliland. According to our information, on 28 January Prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn also spoke on the tel...