The President of United Somaliland Front ( USF in Exile ) President Marten I Mohamed as We The People don't believe this war is a war of necessity we believe it is a war of choice therefore those involved should stop immediately and without preconditions .....​

According the  article in  the Indian Ocean Newsletter, exchanges of fire between the Somaliland and Puntland armies are continuing to cost lives in the border region of Tukarak. Addis Ababa is seeking to ease tensions and kick-start dialogue again between the two regional entities. The Ethiopian Prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn invited the Puntland's, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, to come and meet him on 30 January, the day after the 30th Summit of the African Union drew to a close in Addis Ababa. He is hoping to placate Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas and persuade him that Ethiopia is not biased towards Somaliland. According to our information, on 28 January Prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn also spoke on the telephone with the Somaliland's Musa Bihi Abdi to make sure that he favours a diplomatic solution to the current conflict. The clashes between the two regional entities have not descended into outright war because, on the Somaliland side, a large proportion of the Isaac's, including the Garhajis sub-clan which is supplying a lot of the fighters, is reluctant to participate in the conflict, and the same applies to most of the Majerteen sub-clan of the Issa Mohamoud on the Puntland side. Morever, like Hailemariam Desalegn, the Somalian president Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo is trying to remain as neutral as possible and play a mediating role, despite repeated requests from Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas for Farmajo to deploy forces from the Somali National Army (SNA) to support him. To manage the current border dispute, Musa Bihi Abdi has insisted on negotiating only with the Somalian president, since Puntland falls under the jurisdiction of the federal government of Somalia.

While people are fighting at borders ,. Federal government of Somalia ,  Somaliland and Puntland Education ministers are participating brotherly  hand in hand in African education summit in Abuja Nigeria few days earlier same was true somaliland foreign minister and Federal government of Somalia foreign minister had quality  time in Addis Ababa during African union summit even some sources are confirming beyond the doubt that Somaliland foreign minster Dr . Sa'ad Ali Shire met with President Farmajo and had very amical conversation mostly asking financial allocations...... After  absorbing all those facts we wander why Poet Naima Abwaan Qorane is still jailed ? and why people waging war at borders ? maybe it's called Somali Schizophrenia split personality  ............. ALLAH KNOWS  BEST
Here are the three minsters of Education in Abuja summit Nigeria


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