The Heego government in Somaliland launched hate program masqueraded as National Service...
The same day that conflict between SSC and Somaliland restarted. The Heego government in Somaliland launched hate program masqueraded as National Service Training Program. The main objectives of this program are: · To enhance the spirit of hate (Heego Hargeisa style) amongst the younger generation. ( Sub-clan based government in Hargeisa wants youngsters to hate everyone who calls himself or herself SOMALI ) · To foster and to promote national hate against anyone who dreams to be a SOMALI one day. · To develop negative characteristics in the younger generation by the instillation of unmoral values. ( as this program interferes with Other forms of education ........ this program will depend curriculum developed by Heego Hargeisa it starts call everyone " Faqash " and finishes with call everyone " Faqash " again ) ...