The Heego government in Somaliland launched hate program masqueraded as National Service...
· To
enhance the spirit of hate (Heego Hargeisa style) amongst the younger
generation. ( Sub-clan based government in Hargeisa wants youngsters to hate
everyone who calls himself or herself SOMALI )
· To
foster and to promote national hate against anyone who dreams to be a SOMALI
one day.
· To
develop negative characteristics in the younger generation by the instillation
of unmoral values. ( as this program interferes with Other forms of education
........ this program will depend curriculum developed by Heego Hargeisa it
starts call everyone " Faqash " and finishes with call everyone
" Faqash " again )
· To Kill
the spirit of volunteerism in the younger generation ( As this program violates
free will )
· To develop a more vigorous, inactive,
unintelligent and insecure young generation.( put young people’s lives at
From the five objectives listed above, it can be
plainly observed that the government is very keen in creating a divide and
rule. As was obvious in past year, this
sub- clan based government of colonel Muse Shani Bihi Abdi all scholarships
were given to students from one sub-clan mainly Sa'ad Muse subclan with few
Isse Muse sub-clan actors to secure that outsiders will call them Habar Awal
.It is also observed that the government concerns a lot on the problems arising
from time to time from tribal inequality , and that the government wish that by
hosting this National Service Training Program,national silence can be
enforced. This program can also be used as
child soldier recruiting machine ........
Thousands of children are serving as soldiers in armed
conflicts around the world; the case isn't different in Tukaraq conflict both
Puntland and Somaliland are deploying child soldiers according our sources. New
evidence has emerged as photos of children captured in the war zone .
Family members
and an eyewitness told our sources how the armed groups with the help of clan
chiefs were actively recruiting boys as young as 15 to fight as child soldiers
on the front lines of the conflict in Tukaraq.
It is horrifying
that Somaliland and Puntland
forces with the help of clan chiefs are taking children away from their parents
and their homes, stripping them of their childhood to put them in the line of
fire where they could die or being traumatized for live .
The National
Service Training Program will substitute
clan chiefs as this program will recruit children under 21 who will serve as child soldier , we
hope international community to investigate matters related to legislation,
curriculum, facilities and financial provisions necessary for implementation of
National Service Training Program if they ever give assistance .
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