
Showing posts from October, 2018

Midnimada ka hor ...... Dagaal U Dhaxayn Doona Isaaq / Hawiye Iyo Darood ... waxa qortay Jariidada " African Intelligence "

Duqii Macaali Raysa-Wasaare Cumar Carte Qalib Ayaa Hargeysa Soo Gaadhay Markaa Waxaanu Is Nidhi Ma Dilkii Saxafi Jamaal Khashoggi Ayuu Wax Ka Ogaa Waa Kan Kasoo Cararay Duqu Sucuudiga Ee Saa Arrimo Ka Waaweyn Baa Jira Oo Qoladii Aynu Tolka Ahayn Ee  Sidii Tikreyga Mansab Iyo Manfac Ba Dalkii La Odhan Jiray Somaliland Isku Fileysiisay Ayaa Duqa Parking Kasoo Saaraty Oo Amuuro Waaweyn Baa Lakala Jarayaa Waaryee Macaali Wasiir Cismaan Jaamac  Cali  , Saxiibkii Mareeye Carab Saxardiid Iyo Field Marshal Jaamac Maxamed Qalib Ha La Doono Team Mogadishu Ayaa Loo Baahan Yahay Parking Ka Halaga Soo Saaro Waar Qolada Habar Jeclo Iyagu Deg Deg Bay Madaxweyne AL- Xaaji Axmed Parking Uga Soo Saari Donaane Gudoomiye Salebaan Nuur Na Waa Diyaar Iyo Boqorka Afrika Buurmadaw Oo Aagaa Aad Looga Jecel Yahay Oo Djuma Iyo Kurtun Waarey Kusoo Koray Ayuub Iyaga Mid Baa Maxkamada Sare U Fadhiya , Arab Iyo Albaabada Adag Iyaga Xamar Waa Laga Baqaa Roog Cas Baa Loo Dhigi Doonaa  Samaroon Si...


To whom it may concern, We wish to appeal to you on behalf of Mr. Ahmed Adib who is the subject of our deepest concern. The international Community is very worried about Mr. Ahmed Adib who is said to be unjustly detained and convicted in military tribunal ten years in jail  in your country Somaliland. Mr . Ahmed Adib is a father of several children and social activist in Sanaag region. He told us that after he criticized the government, he was arrested and detained. He was beaten and starved of food and water for days. His health is deteriorating and if he does not receive treatment soon, it will only get worse and put his life at risk.   The international Community believe Mr. Ahmed Adib   to be prisoner of conscience , detained because of his work as social activist who simply refused to follow illegal orders of   Sanaag governor. The human rights activists worldwide ask Somaliland how on earth Mr. Ahmed Adib is convicted in military tribune a...

Somaliland : Muuse Bihi Doctrine

Khudbadii Cololnel Muuse Biixi Naftiisa Ku Maweelinayey Isagoo Is Leh Qarankii La Odhan jiray Somaliland Ee Kala Irdhoobay Ayaad Wax U Sheegeysaa Waxay Ahayd Uun Cod Iyo Shanqadh  Sidii Abwaan Mark Twain Sheegayna "Noise Proves Nothing. Often A Hen Who Has Merely Laid An Egg Cackles As If She Laid An Asteroid”. Codka Ama Hadalku Waxba Ma Sheegayaan Hadii Logic-Ku Ama Mandiqu Meesha Ka Baxo Waxay Noqonaysaa Digaagadii Intay Foolatay  Qayladeeda Laga Baxay Kadib Na Mid Beeda Dhashay Iyadoo Isku Haysata Inay Kawkab Dhashay ........... Jaalle Muuse Biixi Cabdi Weligii Masuuliyad Muu Qaadin Hadii Laga Tagi Waayo Madaxweyne Maxamed Xaaji Ibraahim Cigaal ( AHUN) Ayaa Labo Bilood Wasiir Daakhili Ka Dhigay Waligii Mucaaridka Nooca Ugu Xun Ee Budhmaalka La Yidhaah Ayuu Ahaa Ee Ku Adima Khaldaadka Dawlada Weligiina Aan Ku Fakirin Xal Keen Iminkana Diyaar Uma Aha Duqu Sidii Khudbadiisa Ka Muuqatay Inuu Masuuliyad Qaado Halkaa Ku Daa Khudbada Duqa............. ..... Halkaa Mark...

Corruption allegations rattle Muuse Bihi's family government

Colonel Muse Bihi Abdi who is leading one man show in the breakaway northern Somalia territory of Somaliland who is responsible for the annual fiscal budget and the issuance of adequate regulations for their executions is most likely under international criminal investigation over allegations of fraud, bribery and misuse of public funds, officials said. The scandal surrounding more than $120 million in state spending, parts of $60 million budget meant for various public sectors that colonel Abdi had allegedly used to purchase personal properties and farms in the region has shaken public trust in the government. A senior Somaliland official told progressive underground forces that   the president made it difficult for the anti-corruption commission to conduct a proper investigation into the allegations of corruption. Some of the commission’s members have also been bribed by the administration to avoid public scrutiny, officials say. Some of the funds missing from public...