Cambarayn : Kornyl Muuse Biixi Iyo Prof. Cali Khaliif ma Mr. Trump ayey la safteen ......Condemnation
Waxaanu Cambarayn Ba'an oo dul Qaadan kari wayday dusha kaga tuurnay Korneyl Muuse Biixi Iyo Jaalle Cali Khalif Galaydh oo ah labada horjooge ee kaliye ee CAALAMUL ISLAAMI ilaa hada aan ka gilgilan isku dayga DHAXAL WAREEJIN ee QUDUS AL - SHARIIF tasoo xataa islaamihii yaanyada iibinayey ay ka dhiidhiyeen wararka hoos nagu soo gaadhayaa waxay sheegayaan in Somaliland qaar ay leeyihiin HA KA HADLINA QUDUS AL-SHARIIF SI NAYLOO ICTIRAAFO ,,,,,,,, ICTRAAF MA JIRO SHEEKADAASI HADAY DHAB TAHAY HALAAG BAA INOO SUGNAADAY ,,,,, isaga JAALLE MUUSE jara'idka Caalamku waxay qorayaan ninku waa Nuseyri yar manakaan garan Geelaa Dofaarku laayey waar hadaanu fahmeynaa ninku wuxuu CIMRADA IYI XAJKA UGA SOO MAGAYO waar bal halkan eega :
– The president elect is former Marxist
Prior to the elections in November, there was a great deal of excitement for a possible government change in Somaliland. Hansen, however, believes that the new president will be given peace and support to govern the victims provinces.
– The president Colonel Muse Bihi is former Marxist and was part of the Alanas wing of Somali National Movement in the 1980s. But that’s probably forgotten. The people remember him as an old veteran of the independence war fighting Somalia. He probably does not support the entire population, but those who do not support him are people who accept a consensus solution. So Musa Bihi Abdi has enough consensus that he will be president, says Hansen.
Hansen believes the prospects of being internationally recognized as an independent state are rather gloomy.
“They are weaker now than they have been for a long time. South Africa was an ally as they had before, and Ethiopia is a de facto-allied, but has never pressed for international recognition by Somaliland.
Somaliland enjoys strong ties with neighboring countries of Ethiopia and Djibouti, while experiencing massive investment from the Gulf countries. The authorities in Somaliland have also granted the United Arab Emirates permission to establish a military base in the port of Berbera, ...... ~ Source : Reuters ~ .
Xisbigii Kulmiye wax walba intuu iibiyey iminka ma ISLAAMNIMADAYADII ayuu doonaya inuu iibiyo .
Jaalle Muuse garanayee hada Jaalle Cali Khaliif na ma Kitaab cas buu hoosta ku haystaa wa iska Mucatab ee ,,,,,,, Waar Betrool ayaa Nugaal laga qodayaa ayaa lagu yidhi Jaalle cali gaadal baanu warka idinka sheegi donaa.............. Wa Laahu Aclam ,
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