Stop The Military base...... Ogeysiis Mudaharaad

Over the past week, representatives of the Somaliland diaspora have expressed their outrage at the fact that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have cut a deal with authorities to develop a military base in Somaliland . Scores of people demonstrated outside the UAE embassies in London Stockholm and elsewhere to protest against the establishment of an Emirati military base in Somaliland . On Monday 1 May 2017 there will be demonstrations at U.A.E Embassy I Washington DC it starts 10.00 AM . We urge all Somalilanders and peace loving individuals to join this Demonstration . Arabs-dirty-game-in-somaliland-once-again/ Ogeysiis Mudaharaad Ogeysiis: Dhamaan dadweynaha sharafta leh ee ka soo jeeda “Somaliland” ee deggan nawaaxiga caasimadda USA, Washington DC. waxa la Ogeysiinayaa in maalinta Isniinta ah, ee May 1st., 2017 saacadda 10.00am lagu qabanayo MUDAHARAAD Safaaradda ay ku leedahay dawladda “Isutaga Imaaraadka Cara...