Red alert for green journalism – 10 environmental reporters killed in five years
The camels will suffer if environment suffers ( Aakhiro nimaan Geel lahayn lama amaanayn )
أَفَلَا يَنظُرُونَ إِلَى الْإِبِلِ كَيْفَ خُلِقَتْ
To mark “Earth Overshoot Day,” which lands on 22
August this year, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is publishing alarming
statistics about journalists who cover environmental stories. At least ten have
been killed in the past five years, while more than 50 press freedom violations
linked to environment journalism have been registered during the same period.
This is a bad time for environmental journalism,
with abuses against its practitioners becoming increasingly frequent, as
Brandon Lee knows only too well. A US journalist based in the Philippines
reporting for the local weekly Nordis, Lee only just survived a murder attempt
in August 2019. Before being ambushed and shot, he said he was “consistently
subjected to different threats and harassment, even on social media” in
connection with his coverage of environmental issues in the north of the
archipelago, “denouncing injustices that every government wants to cover up.”
The attempt to murder Lee is one of a total of 53
violations of the right to cover the environment that RSF has registered since
December 2015, when it published a report entitled “Hostile climate for
environmental journalists” with a tally of violations specifically targeting
journalists working on this issue. The trends identified five years ago have
been confirmed. An average of two journalists are murdered every year for
investigating deforestation, illegal mining, land seizures, pollution and other
environmental impacts from industrial activities and major infrastructural
construction projects.
A total of 20 journalists have died in the past
decade for covering environmental issues, ten of them in the past five years.
Nine of the latter were murdered in cold blood in five countries – Colombia
(2), Mexico (1), Philippines (1), Myanmar (1) and India (4). They include
Shubham Mani Tripathi, a reporter for the Hindi-language Kampu Mail daily in
the Uttar Pradesh state of northern India, who was shot six times - three of
them in the head - in June 2020. In a Facebook post shortly before his death,
he said he feared being killed by the “sand mafia” for covering land seizures
linked to illegal sand mining.
In addition to the nine who were clearly murdered,
a journalist died in a suspicious manner while in prison in the Indonesian part
of Borneo in 2018. Muhammad Yusuf had been jailed after being accused of
defaming a local palm oil company in his coverage of illegal land seizures for
two news websites, Kemajuan Rakyat and Berantas News. His wife is convinced he
did not die of natural causes because of the bruising found on his corpse, on
the back of his neck.
The death toll of the past five years could have
been higher. Because of his coverage of the human suffering resulting from the
pollution caused by international oil company operations in South Sudan, Nation
Media Group reporter Joseph Oduha was harassed, detained, tortured and accused
of “endangering national security” before finally fleeing the country in 2019.
Similarly, Alberto Castaño and María Lourdes Zimmermann, two journalists who specialized
in environmental issues, fled Colombia to avoid being killed. Colombia is a
country where two community reporters – Maria Efigenia Vásquez Astudillo and
Abelardo Liz – have been murdered in the past three years for covering land
privatization by leading business groups, and where death threats on social
media are taken very seriously.
"Environmental journalism has become
considerably more dangerous than it was the past, and I think much of that is
intimately tied up with an increasing awareness of the environment's
importance,” says Peter Schwartzstein, a specialist in environmental issues in
the Middle East and North Africa and author of a report entitled “The
Authoritarian War on Environmental Journalism”. He adds: “As pollution mounts
and climate change bites, there's considerably more public awareness about
issues that were previously considered largely fringe concerns. That has
magnified governments' focus on a part of the media that they previously
regarded as a lesser concern."
Asia and Americas – danger zones
While abuses against environmental journalists
occur in all of the world’s continents, 66% of those registered took place in
two – Asia and the Americas. In Asia, India is the country that holds all the
records: for journalists killed (4), for physical attacks (4) and for
journalists subjected to threats and prosecution (4). Almost all of these cases
are linked to India’s so-called “sand mafia.”
"There is growing awareness globally that
sand, after water, is the most precious natural resource and since it is
limited in quantity, it is in great demand,” Indian journalist Sandhya
Ravishankar said. “When journalists report on such a precious commodity and put
pressure on authorities to stop the mining of sand, it is a threat to many
powerful industries and industrialists whose livelihoods depend on sand as raw
material. This is the reason there is invariably a lot of violence against
journalists who report on illegal mining of sand.”
Ravishankar was subjected to an extremely
aggressive smear campaign when she investigated the sand mafia in the southern
Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The harassment orchestrated by the mining companies
was such that she ended up being marginalized, including by her fellow
journalists. This caused her the “deepest and most lasting” wound, she says.
The ”legal” way to silence journalists
The most drastic methods may not be needed to
silence journalists. Defamation legislation can often be used to sue or bring
criminal proceedings against those who try to expose the truth about the
environmental impact of destructive practices by powerful business groups. Nine
of these journalists have been the targets of recent judicial proceedings
around the world.
They include Pratch Rujivanarom, a journalist who
was prosecuted under Thailand’s criminal code and Computer Crimes Act in 2017
after writing an article for The Nation, a Thai English-language daily, about
water pollution resulting from the activities of MPC, a big mining company. The
company eventually withdrew its complaint because his reporting was so well
Inès Léraud, a French freelancer who investigates
the environmental impacts of intensive farming in Brittany, including the
proliferation of green seaweed on its beaches and the attempts to cover up the
causes, has been sued twice in the past two years. The first lawsuit – brought
by a leading Breton agro-industrialist who did not hesitate to denigrate her
directly by email and on the radio – was finally withdrawn a few days before a
court was due to begin hearing it in January 2020.
Environmental journalists charged with criminal
defamation are usually acquitted but some end up spending years in prison.
Solidzhon Abdurakhmanov, the author of many articles about the impact of the
Aral Sea environmental disaster, spent nine years behind bars in Uzbekistan,
until finally released in 2017. Carlos Choc is facing the possibility of 20 to
30 years in prison for denouncing the pollution of a lake by the mining company
CGN-Pronico in Guatemala. It was only after 22 years of defamation proceedings
that reporter Shailendra Yashwant, his editor, Ramoji Rao, and Sanctuary
Features editor Bittu Sahgal were finally acquitted in 2018 over an article for
Newstime about chemical effluent polluting a river in the Indian state of
Many arrests
The most common press freedom violation
experienced by environmental reporters is arrest by the police. Novaya Gazeta
reporter Elena Kostyuchenko and photographer Yuri Kozyrev were repeatedly
arrested for “quarantine violations” while trying to cover a massive diesel oil
spill from Norilsk Nickel-owned storage tanks in Siberia in June 2020. Dozens
of journalists have been arrested in Canada and the United States since 2016
while covering protests by environmentalists and indigenous communities opposed
to the construction of gas and oil pipelines and a major hydro-electric dam on
ancestral lands. In both countries, journalists were charged with trespassing
until courts finally ruled that they could cover the indigenous protests.
Covering environmental activists can be
problematic in the United Kingdom and France as well. Police obstructed media
coverage of Extinction Rebellion’s attempt to occupy London City Airport in
October 2019, while Reporterre journalist Alexandre-Reza Kokabi was held for 10
hours after being arrested while covering an Extinction Rebellion protest at
Orly airport in Paris in June 2020. Hugo Clément, a French reporter for the
France 2 TV channel, and his three-man crew were held for seven hours after
being arrested in Queensland, Australia, in July 2019 while covering a protest
by environmentalists opposed to the building of the Carmichael coal mine, which
threatens the Great Barrier Reef.
Visible and insidious pressure
Journalists covering environmental stories are
sometimes subjected to the most blatant forms of pressure, as in China, where
Caixin Weekly reporter Zhou Chen was openly followed, threatened and harassed
by officials and police in a district in Fujian province that suffered a
serious industrial pollution incident in November 2018. But sometimes the
pressure is more insidious. This was the case with a journalist in Egypt
specializing in environmental issues who does not want to be named. After
writing articles on a sensitive subject linked to coal imports, she realized
she was being watched and then discovered she could not fly without being
blocked for several hours at the airport.
In Japan, journalists report the existence of
widespread self-censorship within the mainstream media on anything to do with
the consequences of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. They blame the
self-censorship on pressure from the nuclear lobby and the government, which
want to prevent reporting that could give a “negative image of Japan” or
jeopardize preparations for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, which have been
postponed until 2021.
Whether direct or subtle, all the harassment and
violations of the right to cover environmental stories have consequences. As
India’s Sandhya Ravishankar puts it: "While these are important stories to
tell, the exploitation of natural resources, the power hierarchies and the
violence faced by communities, the ominous consequences of this exploitation
will not be told. And this is because journalists would be afraid to tell these
stories – and with good reason.”
And the suppression of these stories probably
increases the damage to the environment. As Peter Schwartzstein says: “Though
tricky to prove, it certainly seems as if this crackdown is contributing to
heightened environmental degradation. With vastly insufficient coverage of
environmental disasters and woes, huge problems are being left to fester and
worsen in this news black hole.”
Unless we protect environmental journalists or, as
Ravishankar says, offer them “at least a semblance of safety,” covering the
environment will too often prove an insuperable “challenge,” to use Brandon
Lee’s term, and not just in the Philippines.
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