In Allah We Believe Waddani Party We Trust

Somaliland Waddani party conference In Burao stated elegantly that We Somalilanders must rapidly come up with solutions to our problems such as power sharing , international assistance distribution, crime , civil wars , education , unemployment, poverty, healthcare as they are all vital in the development of our country and our position in the international arena . Furthermore we want to see our country flourish and not diminish with corrupt politicians becoming heads of government serving their pockets instead of people. The conference emphasized that we need to see our justice system is fair to all, but for this to happen we must first put without a doubt in our minds the right persons in place to run our judiciary system and not running it down the drain. We want to see individuals with the right mind set who are willing and able to get the job done exactly how it should be done. As Waddani party is a celebrated anti corruption party it made priorit...