Somaliland Should stop this shameful holocaust analogy....... Stop it now !
Northern Somalia civil- war 1988- 1991 Somaliland is calling it now
Hargeisa Holocaust. It is all too easy to forget that there are many people
still alive for whom the Holocaust is not “history,” but their life story and
that of their families.
What happened May / June 1988 in Nothern Somalia
was not a holocaust nobody is gassed there were no concentration camps no one
starved you couldn't see skeleton humans their hands tattooed with numbers in
pajamas’ but In Hargeisa there was an
urban civil war between S.N.M forces and Somali regime army both using
civilians as human shield ....... Human casualties were not more than 8000
people on both sides few goats and some chicken , I for one was from S.N.M
forces In the name of Allah I confirm to
you that there was damage to the city structure but not even 10 % of Hargeisa is destroyed.
My proof is that the period between 1989-1991 the
people came back from Ethiopia refugee camps to Hargeisa and specially Buroa
which indicates that the towns were not badly destroyed......... As S.N.M
Forces our biggest nightmare was people going back to their cities and
establishing their normal life because we believed that will soufflate the
Somali regime forces as we wanted to keep them in ghost cities in order to
destroy their moral.
The truth is Hargeisa city and other Isaac cities
are destroyed by civil war between Isaac clan fractions after Somali Regime
forces left . The two major leaders of that inter-clan civil war were warlords
Mr. Muse Bihi Abdi and Mr. Mohamed Kahin Ahmed that war raged in Somaliland
between 1994-1997 the aim was Garhajis nation's ethnic cleansing their main
propose was to eliminate Garhajis people from every power position in
Somaliland still they are in that process up to day. Since few weeks the two
Ex- Warlords Colonel Muse Bihi Abdi and Colonel Mohamed Kahin Ahmed with their
stooge commandant Nuh Pasto are shelling every moving or fixed target in
Erigavo city and mountains of Sanaag killing unknown number of Garhajis nation
When these weapons are used in populated areas it
is often civilians who are most severely affected. Small arms fire bullets at a
point, but explosive weapons affect wide areas. They kill injure and damage
anyone or anything within that area . As such it is near-impossible, when using
explosive weapons in a populated area, to restrict the deadly impact of an
explosive shell or bomb to just one person or to a targeted group. The use of
explosive weapons in populated areas, therefore, raises special concern when it
comes to debating the protection of civilians….Therefore international
community should debate protection of civilians in the eastern of Somaliland
where Somaliland Government is targeting Garhajis nation instead of this shameful holocaust analogy
This oversimplified approach Sa'ad Muse clan elite
in Somaliland are using to complex history is dangerous. When conducted with
integrity and rigor, the study of history raises more questions than answers.
And as the most extensively documented crime the world has ever seen, the
Holocaust offers an unmatched case study in how societies fall apart, in the
immutability of human nature, in the dangers of unchecked state power. It is
more than European or Jewish history. It is human history as someone said
Careless Holocaust analogies in Somaliland may
demonize, demean, and intimidate Somalia. But there is a cost for all of us
because Heego in Somaliland distract us from the real issues challenging our
society, because they shut down productive, thoughtful discourse as they did to
Professor Ahmed Ismail Samatar and Professor Ali khalif Galayr. At a time when
our country needs dialogue more than ever, it is especially dangerous to
exploit the memory of the Holocaust as a rhetorical cudgel. We owe the
survivors more than that. And we owe ourselves more than that. For this solemn
occasion We the Garhajis nation and The Great Nation of Somali we apologize to
the survivors / non survivors of the Shoah.....