Our condolence to Ahmed said Naleye's Family , Ahmedow it's a great loss......Hodan was a shining star !

We are terribly saddened by the death of our beloved sister and her husband, Mrs. Hodan Ahmed Said Naleye  and Mr. Fariid Hassan.  Hodan was a true visionary whose work and life served as a powerful example to women everywhere. She showed us that the eradication of poverty, the empowerment of women, and a sustainable communication are all essential building blocks of a more just and peaceful Somalia. She lived her belief that all of us have a role to play in creating sustainable peace in Somalia.

We would like to express, in the name of Garhajis Nation, our most sincere condolences to her family, to her relatives and to the Somali  people . Somalia has lost one of her most emblematic and captivating figures. Her powerful voice calling for a shared and harmonious Somalia will be missed in the whole Somalia.

Her conviction and her fight has begun. The human communication, the empowerment of women and the defense of Human rights will remain at the heart of the concerns and reflections of Somalia, of Humanity her last words posted at instagram was " SOMALIYA HA NOLAATO ". LONG LIVE SOMALIA ....

O Allah, forgive Hodan and her husban and elevate their station among those who are guided. Send them along the path of those who came before, and forgive us and them, O Lord of the worlds. Enlarge for them their graves and shed light upon them in it......... Amin

Mrs .Hodan Naleyeh always highlighted for Somali youth the risks of human trafficking and the human tragedy of illegal immigration.

Garhajis Nation Patriots


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