Open Letter To President M.A.Farmajo : Sir, Act And Act Now ......It Can't Wait !

H.E. President Mohamed Abdillahi Farmajo Villa Somalia Mogadishu Dear Sir, We the people of great Somali nation are passionate about our animal welfare with the highest livestock ownership per capita in the world. We love on our camels and sheep and are similarly concerned about the treatment of goats and all manner of wildlife. But Mr. President the way we treat our livestock is an enduring stain on our national character. We can't in all good conscience continue to turn a blind eye to the live export trade or pretend we are humane when we are simply outsourcing the cruelty to other nations in the Middle East such as Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. In recent times we have seen sickening footage from livestock ship in Jeddah Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, of our goats and sheep show signs of heat stress such as panting or open-mouthed breathing if there is no solution from the federal Government of Somalia soon there will be significant deaths from heat stress. I...