UK taxpayers funding 'torture and executions’ in Somaliland as government secretly sends millions to foreign courts

UK taxpayers' funding 'torture and executions' as government secretly sends millions to foreign courts By Jack Hardy ” British taxpayers are funding foreign courts where hundreds have been condemned to death under draconian laws that consider throwing shoes to be a terror offence, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal. Millions of pounds of public cash has been pumped into secretive Government funds and is then used to pay for criminal justice systems infamous for executions and wrongful convictions or where basic freedoms are under threat, including Pakistan and Somaliland .”………………. ~Read More ……The Sun Telegraph~ Since British cash ( tax payers money ) started arriving Somaliland in 2011, a string of specialist anti-terror courts have sentenced an estimated 1000 people some of them to death including horn of Africa Muslim scholar Sheikh Adan Abdirahman Warsame aka Sheikh Aden Sunne حفظه الله ورعاه who is sick and serving now long jail sen...