We the people of Garhajis nation  in Somaliland through their President Muse Bihi Abdi  join their fellow world citizens  today  in condemning these dastardly acts of terrorism and share the grief and sorrow of the New Zealand  nation . Our hearts go out to the friends and families of those who are victims of this despicable tragedy.

Obviously this seems a well-planned and well-coordinated act of terrorism and we are confident that the law enforcement authorities will soon discover the identity of perpetrators responsible for this contemptible act and bring them to task with the full force of the law. At this moment of confusion, uncertainty and naturally highly charged emotions, we earnestly appeal to the media not to rush to judgment and our Muslim brothers and sisters to keep their heads cool, let the response of New Zealand  and its wise Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern be mature and thoughtful. This is a moment of prayer and unity not of hasty reaction.

We pray to ALLAH to give strength to all of those who have suffered during this catastrophe.

Allow us to use the tragedy to speak our tragedy  to the international community, more than 3 million people across eastern Somaliland are either experiencing or facing threat of famine and starvation in the next two months. This simultaneous occurrence of famine and near-famine conditions is historic and unprecedented. Two location in region of Daadmadheedh namely " Radeb -Khaatumo " and " Go'andhaale " and one location in Togdheer called " Gabogabo " people will start to die in the coming days  if there is no immediate assistance in the form of shelter , food and water will not be available to them

Oh ALLAH , We ask that you would give Prime Minster Jacinda Ardern wisdom beyond her own understanding and the courage to chose the right path no matter how narrow the gate . We pray for the spiritual leaders of your country that they would hear your voice and know your heart. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern May ALLAH  give you and New Zealand ( Muslims and non-Muslims ) grace and strength to stand against the temptation to use power as a weapon but rather to carry it reverently as one would a child .......... Amen .

Yours Truly,

Garhajis Nation


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