
Showing posts from October, 2020

Justice For Najma

                                                                                                            Update                               The group of Somali women who are savaging the young Danish girl miss Najma from Somali origin has a newcomer her name is Mrs. Hanna Paranta aka Mrs. Hanna Abukar a Swedish citizen from Somali origin based in U.K. who invited at her youtube channel / facebook talk show program a dozen of Somali men in order to talk ill about miss Najma and her mother the Danish Somali entrepreneur Mrs. Naima Brink.   Mrs. Hanna Paranta who is also a well known Charity fraudster -.Most people would say that charity is always good, but not everyone knows the fact that charity is sometimes carried out badly - or less well than it should be like in the case of Mrs. Hanna Paranta. Let's agree that the purpose of giving to charity is to solve particular problems and to help the problem of world poverty. Let's all agree in this case we are not solving w

Human rights in Somalia

  SOMALIA   RSF briefs Human Rights Council on Somalia, calls for moratorium on arrests of journalists   During a UN Human Rights Council debate on Somalia in the presence of the independent expert on the human rights situation in this country, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) acknowledged the significant progress made in combatting impunity for crimes against Somali journalists but said it continued to be concerned about the hostile climate and asked the Council and Somalia’s partner countries to encourage the authorities to decree a moratorium on arrests of journalists as soon as possible. The oral intervention by Isabel Amosse, RSF’s head of advocacy, during this inter-active debate on 2 October is appended below:     Madam Chair,   Reporters Without Borders (RSF) hails the work of the independent expert on Somalia.   The state of press freedom continues to be concerning in this country, which is ranked 163rd out of 180 countries in RSF's 2020 World Press Fr